Results for 'Emma Cohen de Lara'

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  1. Crisis y salud: una ocasión para repensar modelos (y acciones).Luca Valera & Francisco De De Lara - 2019 - Mutatis Mutandis: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 14.
    La actual crisis sanitaria nos invita a repensar el actual modelo de salud, así como sus implicaciones antropológicas, sociales y económicas. A partir de una breve historia del concepto de salud, en este artı́culo tratamos de evidenciar los cambios que ese mismo concepto ha implicado a nivel de relación médico-paciente y a nivel de relaciones sociales. Un nuevo paradigma de salud, más ajustado a los nuevos fenómenos globales que están aconteciendo, implica también una critica a los enfoques individualistas, reduccionistas, tecnocráticos (...)
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  2. Políticas de la definición de lo humano: más allá de un problema de igualdad.Enver Joel Torregroza Lara - 2024 - Las Torres de Lucca: Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 13 (1):31-39.
    Anne Phillips argues that definitions of the human are a trap for the political claims to equality contained in humanitarianism or human rights discourse. However, defining the human also hides the ontological and political problem addressed by the Philosophical Anthropology. There is an ethical and political stake in the philosophical anthropology of the last century when it insists on the indefinability of the human. With this, it criticizes the politics implicit in the definition of the human. And also, it questions (...)
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  3. Harms of silence: From Pierre Bayle to de-platforming.Andrew Jason Cohen - 2020 - Social Philosophy and Policy 37 (2):114-131.
    Early in the history of liberalism, its most important proponents were concerned with freedom of religion. As polities and individuals now accept a dizzying array of religions, this has receded to the background for most theorists. It nonetheless remains a concern. Freedom of speech is a similar concern and very much in the foreground for theorists looking at the current state of academia. In this essay, I argue that inappropriate limits to freedom of religion and inappropriate limits to freedom of (...)
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    Traduction. L’intrigue religieuse et séculière du concept allemand de traduction.Cedric Cohen-Skalli - 2022 - Il Pensiero Rivista di Filosofia (2):101-116.
    This article offers a history of the German concept of translation in four stages, moving from Luther’s Verdeutschung to Mendelssohn’s translation of the Psalms, and from the re-elaboration of the translation concept by Freud, Rosenzweig and Benjamin to Derrida’s Des tours de Babel. During the postwar years, many philosophers have studied different aspects of the Classical and Romantic elaboration of the German concept of translation. The contribution of this article is not to revisit these analyses, that are by now well (...)
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  5. Sobre las razones para ampliar la comunidad moral.F. Lara - 1999 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 18 (3).
    En el artículo se critica la tesis de Javier Mosterín (defendida en su libro Vivan los Animales, Debate, 1998) de que los animales no humanos deben ser incluidos en la comunidad moral como resultado de un progreso moral en la sensibilidad de los humanos que llevará progresivamente a una mayor compasión por el sufrimiento ajeno. Tras señalar ciertas deficiencias metaéticas de esta propuesta y la no deseada implicación normativa de tener que incluir finalmente en la comunidad moral a cualquier ser (...)
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  6. LECTURAS DE “EL DERECHO A TENER DERECHOS” DE HANNAH ARENDT A LA LUZ DE “EL DERECHO HUMANO A LA PAZ”.Heidi Alicia Rivas Lara - 2021 - AitíasRevista de Estudios Filosóficos 1 (1):1-24.
    The philosophical foundation of human rights has become more explicit, given that the presumption of peace in the Preamble to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights demands further development, both in its definition and in the conditions or requirements for its fulfillment. Based on the discussion of the human right to peace, we propose to reinterpret the Arendtine expression “The right to have rights” as the philosophical formula that calls for the ascension of peace to a legal enunciation; this is (...)
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  7. Antropología del testimonio. Prácticas de narratividad en el pensamiento de Paul Ricoeur.Heidi Alicia Rivas Lara - 2019 - Devenires. Revista de Filosofía y Filosofía de la Cultura 40 (20):87-100.
    This article approaches the reflections of Paul Ricoeur regarding testimony to befound in his work Memory, History,Forgetting. Through reading of this work, we pos-tulate the idea that to consider others as readers or spectators of our actions forms animportant part of the construction of human subjectivity. The thesis that subjectivityarises as a discourse towards the other is proposed here, inasmuch as human experi-ences are transmitted narratively in the form of testimony, which stands as an examplefor the understanding of the experiences (...)
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  8. ALCANCES Y LIMITACIONES DE LA NO-VIOLENCIA. CRÍTICA DESDE PAUL RICOEUR Y LA PERSPECTIVA POSITIVA DE LA CONSTRUCCIÓN DE PAZ.Heidi Alicia Rivas Lara & Heidi Alicia Rivas Lara A. N. D. Rolando Picos Bovio - 2017 - En Claves Del Pensamiento 11 (21):61-76.
    Nonviolent movements mainly characterized by not taking part in and resist-ing violent practices developed no multiple levels have had a significant contribution inputting an end to wars and oppressive systems. However, it is worth asking whether theyhave, consequently, contributed to the construction of peace. This article, centered onGandhi, reflects upon the general contribution of nonviolence for historical changes ar-ticulated through Paul Ricoeur’s critique and interpretation of the influence of these move-ments in the intricate relationship between politics and violence. -/- .
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  9. Nicolás Gómez Dávila, el barroco y la ética mundana de Baltasar Gracián.Enver Joel Torregroza Lara - 2023 - Res Pública. Revista de Historia de Las Ideas Políticas 26:127-133.
    There are notorious differences between the Jesuit theology of Gracián’s Humanism and the Pascalian theology of grace of the Colombian thinker Nicolás Gómez Dávila. In addition, Gómez Dávila criticizes Spanish Baroque when he compares it with other literatures. However, the virtuous hero of Gracián and the philosophical way of life of the Colombian thinker are connected. Both philosophies develop a mundane ethic that solves a puzzle: how the human spirit can access transcendence through the dark labyrinths of earthly difficulties.
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  10. Underdetermination vs. Indeterminacy.Juan José Lara - 2009 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 47:219-228.
    Thomas Bonk has dedicated a book to analyzing the thesis of underdetermination of scientific theories, with a chapter exclusively devoted to the analysis of the relation between this idea and the indeterminacy of meaning. Both theses caused a revolution in the philosophic world in the sixties, generating a cascade of articles and doctoral theses. Agitation seems to have cooled down, but the point is still debated and it may be experiencing a renewed resurgence.
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    Between Yitzhak Baer and Leo Strauss: The Rediscovery of Isaac Abravanel's Political Thought in the Late 1930s.Cedric Cohen-Skalli - 2019 - Daat: A Journal of Jewish Philosophy and Kabbalah 88:161-190.
    “For it is not impossible that a nation should have many leaders who convene, unite, and reach a consensus; they can thus govern and administer justice… Then also, why cannot they have terms of office…? When the turn of other magistrates comes to replace them, they will investigate the abuses of trust committed by earlier [magistrates]; Those found guilty will pay for their crimes… Finally, why cannot their powers be limited and determined by laws or norms?” These lines of Don (...)
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  12. Lyotard, the end of metanarratives and the memory of the Algerian war.Cohen-Skalli Cedric - 2023 - Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy 10 (2):119-148.
    Jean-François Lyotard's intellectual evolution in the late 1970s and 1980s is well known in continental philosophy. In 1979, with the publication of The Postmodern Condition, Lyotard became famous for his report on "the obsolescence of the metanarrative apparatus of legitimation". Later, in his magnum opus Le diférend he expanded on this, claiming that "a universal rule of judgment between heterogeneous genres is lacking in general". Yet, this creative moment in Lyotard's career, responsible for shaping the philosophical concept of the postmodern (...)
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    Israël 2011-2018: Pages arrachées à l'espoir et au désespoir.Cedric Cohen-Skalli - 2019 - la Règle du Jeu 68:313-334.
    A la question « quo vadis Israel ?», il est possible de répondre partiellement en juxtaposant l’été 2018, et notamment la loi fondamentale « Israël État-nation du Peuple Juif » votée le 19 juillet sous l’impulsion du gouvernement Netanyahu, et l’été 2011, où un mouvement de protestation commença le 14 juillet sur l’Avenue Rothschild à Tel Aviv, s’étendant ensuite à tout Israël et atteignant des proportions jamais connue dans le pays. Comment sommes-nous passés de l’espoir soulevé par le mouvement social (...)
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  14. Counterfactuals of divine freedom.Yishai Cohen - 2016 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 79 (3):185-205.
    Contrary to the commonly held position of Luis de Molina, Thomas Flint and others, I argue that counterfactuals of divine freedom are pre-volitional for God within the Molinist framework. That is, CDFs are not true even partly in virtue of some act of God’s will. As a result, I argue that the Molinist God fails to satisfy an epistemic openness requirement for rational deliberation, and thus she cannot rationally deliberate about which world to actualize.
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  15. Segunda natureza em Hegel e Marx.Christian Iber, Agemir Bavaresco & Eduardo G. Lara - 2019 - Leituras da Lógica de Hegel, Vol. 3.
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  16. The Return Of Photographs As Genuine Prostheses: In Response To Cohen And Meskin’s Principled Disqualification Of Photographs.Ines Nicole Echevarria De Asis - 2008 - Postgraduate Journal of Aesthetics 5 (1):7-15.
    Kendall Walton argues that photographs, like mirrors and microscopes, meet sufficient conditions to be considered a kind of prosthesis for seeing. Well aware of the controversiality of this claim, he offers three criteria for perception met by photographs like other perceptual aids which makes them transparent –that is, we see through them.1(II) Jonathan Cohen and Aaron Meskin attempt to refute the transparency thesis by arguing that photographs cannot be genuine prostheses for seeing because they fail to meet another necessary (...)
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  17. Lara Amat y León, Joan (Ed). La ciudadanía y lo político. Ciudadanía y crisis de la democracia liberal en un mundo en transformación.Vladimir Junior Sosa Sanchez - 2020 - In Miguel Ángel Polo (ed.), Cuadernos de ética y filosofía política. Lima: pp. 227-232.
    La ciudadanía y lo político. Ciudadanía y crisis de la democracia liberal en un mundo en transformación es un texto provocador, que desafía directamente a las esferas de poder económico, político y social en el marco de la corrupción. Deja al descubierto las entrañas cancerígenas de una política enferma de poder, donde priman los intereses particulares o políticos sobre los intereses del pueblo. El libro es una lanza que atraviesa las profundidades que erosionan nuestra sociedad, realizando así un análisis riguroso (...)
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  18. Las reglas de Irving Copi y Carl Cohen son una condición necesaria y suficiente de la validez en los silogismos categóricos de forma estándar.Franklin Galindo & Kris Martins - 2005 - Episteme 25 (1):123-148.
    Resumen: En la actualidad uno de los libros más usados para dar lógica elemental es el de Irving Copi y Carl Cohen (Introducción a la lógica, 2001), allí se presentan unas reglas para decidir la validez de los silogismos categóricos de forma estándar. Pero en tal texto ni en ninguno que nosotros conozcamos se ofrece una fundamentación de las mismas. Es decir, una demostración de que ellas son realmente una condición necesaria y suficiente de la validez de un silogismo (...)
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  19. Cohen, Spinoza, and the Nature of Pantheism.Yitzhak Melamed - 2018 - Jewish Studies Quarterly:171-180.
    The German text of Cohen’s Spinoza on State & Religion, Judaism & Christianity (Spinoza über Staat und Religion, Judentum und Christentum) first appeared in 1915 in the Jahrbuch für jüdische Geschichte und Literatur. Two years before, in the winter of 1913, Cohen taught a class and a seminar on Spinoza’s Theological-Political Treatise at the Hochschule für die Wissenschaft des Judentums. This was Cohen’s first semester at the Hochschule, after retiring from more than thirty years of teaching at (...)
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  20. Resenha de Cohen, Sheldon M., Aristotle on Nature and Incomplete Substance, Cambridge University Press, 1996. [REVIEW]Lucas Angioni - 2000 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 102:225-232.
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  21. (1 other version)Hermann Cohens Konzept der Anthropodizee in der Sicht Jacob Gordins.Nina Dmitrieva - 2015 - Kantian Journal (3(ENG)):78-86.
    The paper focuses on the problem of anthropodicy in the philosophical system of Hermann Cohen and its interpretation by Jacob Gordin (1896—1947). Gordin was one of the last followers of Cohen in Russia. He developes his interpretation in the lecture “Anthropodicy”, which was given in the Philosophical Circle at the Petrograd University in December 1921. For the study of the problem of anthropodicy he was apparently inspired by the discussions at the Free Philosophical Association in 1919—1921. Gordin places (...)
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  22. Book Review. "Research Methods for Public Health". Stuart McClean, Isabelle Bray, Nick de Viggiani, Emma Bird, Paul Pilkington. (Reseña. Métodos de investigación en salud pública).Carlos Alberto Rosas Jimenez - 2021 - Persona y Bioética 2 (25):1-3.
    One of the great challenges for students of any discipline is to be able to put into practice the knowledge learned in theory. Public health does not escape this challenge. Research Methods for Public Health is a book that seeks to help students understand in a simple way how to enter into the practice of public health research. This book stands out for its easy reading, but especially because it emphasizes the existence of quantitative and qualitative methods, as well as (...)
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    Creativitatea gândirii în logica lui Hermann Cohen.Dragos Grusea - 2020 - Studii de Epistemologie Și de Teorie a Valorilor 6:105-116.
    Cohen’s “Logic of Pure Knowledge” marks a transformation of transcendental philosophy through its new and radical interpretation of pure thinking. For Cohen, thought is in its essence creative and needs no external elements in order to produce knowledge. This study is an attempt to reconstruct the way in which Cohen understands how thinking can create its pure content from nothing. My thesis is that Kant’s distinction between the determinable and the determining I offers the theoretical context in (...)
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  24. Die Frage „Was ist?“ bei Hermann Cohen und Franz Rosenzweig.Luca Bertolino - 2013 - Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy 21 (1):57-71.
    The philosophical question "what is?" plays different roles in the work of Cohen and Rosenzweig. According to Cohen, it expresses the authentic meaning of the Socratic concept, which has its methodical-transcendental foundation in the Platonic Idea as answer, since it gives an account of the concept. So Cohen turns the question into an epistemological problem, because it ultimately refers to the necessary condition of knowledge. In contrast, Rosenzweig sees in the "what is?" question grounds to condemn the (...)
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  25. Simone de Beauvoir’s Existentialist Ethics as a Prophylactic for Ideology Obsession and Ideology Addiction: An Uplifting Philosophy for Philosophical Practice.Guy Du Plessis - 2023 - The 5Th International Conference of Philosophical Counseling and Practice 1 (1):1-11.
    Central to the philosophical practice is the application of philosophers' work by philosophical practitioners to inspire, educate, and guide their clients. For example, in Logic-Based Therapy (LBT), a philosophical practice methodology developed by Elliot Cohen, philosophical practitioners help their clients to find an uplifting philosophy that promotes a guiding virtue that acts as an antidote to unrealistic and often self-defeating conclusions derived from irrational premises. In this essay, I will explore the existential ethics of Simone de Beauvoir, a French (...)
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  26. Türki̇ye'de di̇n psi̇koloji̇si̇ alaninda yapilan li̇sansüstü tezler üzeri̇ne bi̇r i̇nceleme.Kenan Sevinç - 2014 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 15 (28):243-243.
    Bu çalışmada, Türkiye’de 1963 ile 2012 yılları arasında din psikolojisi alanında yapılan ve hala devam eden yüksek lisans ve doktora tezlerine ilişkin analizler yer almaktadır. Bunun yanında din psikolojisinin Türkiye’de akademide yer alışına dair kısa bir tarihçe vardır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, din psikolojisi doktora tezlerine ilişkin bir bibliyografya oluşturarak, araştırmacılara ve lisansüstü öğrencilerine bir katalog sunmaktır. Ayrıca, tezlere ait verilerin analizleriyle, yapılacak yeni çalışmalara yol göstermek amaçlanmıştır. Yöntem olarak literatür taraması yapılmış, farklı kurumların katalogları taranmış ve alandaki akademisyenlerle görüşülmüştür. Elde (...)
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  27. Dos Tópicos de Lógica Matemática y sus Fundamentos.Franklin Galindo - 2014 - Episteme NS: Revista Del Instituto de Filosofía de la Universidad Central de Venezuela 34 (1):41-66..
    El objetivo de este artículo es presentar dos tópicos de Lógica matemática y sus fundamentos: El primer tópico es una actualización de la demostración de Alonzo Church del Teorema de completitud de Gödel para la Lógica de primer orden, la cual aparece en su texto "Introduction to Mathematical Logic" (1956) y usa el procedimientos efectivos de Forma normal prenexa y Forma normal de Skolem; y el segundo tópico es una demostración de que la propiedad de partición (tipo Ramsey) del espacio (...)
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  28. Leonard Cohen and Philosophy: Various Positions. [REVIEW]Montgomery David - 2016 - CAML Review/Revue de L'ACBM 44 (2):57-61.
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  29. Über das philosophische Fragen. Hermann Cohen, Franz Rosenzweig und die Philosophische Praxis.Luca Bertolino - 2006 - In Vladimir N. Belov (ed.), Европейская философия в контексте современностн / Europaeische Philosophie im Kontext der Gegenwart. Nauchnaja kniga. pp. 108-138.
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  30. El Axioma de elección en el quehacer matemático contemporáneo.Franklin Galindo & Randy Alzate - 2022 - Aitías 2 (3):49-126.
    Para matemáticos interesados en problemas de fundamentos, lógico-matemáticos y filósofos de la matemática, el axioma de elección es centro obligado de reflexión, pues ha sido considerado esencial en el debate dentro de las posiciones consideradas clásicas en filosofía de la matemática (intuicionismo, formalismo, logicismo, platonismo), pero también ha tenido una presencia fundamental para el desarrollo de la matemática y metamatemática contemporánea. Desde una posición que privilegia el quehacer matemático, nos proponemos mostrar los aportes que ha tenido el axioma en varias (...)
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  31. Sobre el etnocentrismo y la paradoja de la convicción.Claudio Cormick - 2019 - Factótum. Revista de Filosofía 20 (21):1-12.
    G. A. Cohen (2000) provided us with a challenging “paradox of conviction” by means of pointing out the fact that, even when we realize that we hold certain beliefs (for example, political or religious ones) only because we have been raised to have them, this discovery does not modify what we believe. This seems to be irrational, but acknowledging that fact would entail that irrationality is much more widespread than we are, in principle, willing to accept. In this article (...)
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  32. El Método de Forcing: Algunas aplicaciones y una aproximación a sus fundamentos metamatemáticos.Franklin Galindo - manuscript
    Es conocido que el método de forcing es una de las técnicas de construcción de modelos más importantes de la Teoría de conjuntos en la actualidad, siendo el mismo muy útil para investigar problemas de matemática y/o de fundamentos de la matemática. El destacado matemático Joan Bagaria afirma lo siguiente sobre el método de forcing en su artículo "Paul Cohen y la técnica del forcing" (Gaceta de la Real Sociedad Matemática Española, Vol. 2, Nº 3, 1999, págs 543-553) : (...)
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  33. Dehşet Yönetimi Kuramı Açısından Ölüm Kaygısının İngiltere’de Müslümanlara Yönelik Tutumların Üzerindeki Etkisi.Kenan Sevi̇nç - 2019 - Dini Araştırmalar 22 (55):27-50.
    İngiltere, Avrupa’da en fazla Müslüman nüfusa sahip ülkelerden biridir ve ülkede Müslümanlara yönelik olumsuz tutumlar giderek artmaktadır. Yabancılara yönelik bu olumsuz tutumların birçok farklı psikolojik nedeni bulunmaktadır. Dehşet Yönetimi Kuramı kapsamında yapılan çeşitli araştırmalar, bu nedenlerden birisinin bireylere ölümün hatırlatılması olduğunu iddia etmektedir. Bu kurama göre, hayatta kalmak gibi güçlü bir motivasyona sahip olan insan aynı zamanda bu çabalarının bir gün başarısız olacağını bilir ve ölüm kaygısı yaşar. Ölümün hatırlatıldığı bireyler, ölüm kaygısının üstesinden gelmek için kendi kültürlerine yöneldiklerinde, diğer kültürlere (...)
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  34. Es posible saber el valor de verdad de la Hipótesis del Continuo.Mauricio Algalan - 2017 - Dissertation, Unam
    La Hipótesis del Continuo (HC) es la suposición de que dado el primer transfinito, ℵ0 , el cardinal de los naturales; el siguiente cardinal, ℵ1 , es el cardinal de los números reales. La Hipótesis Generalizada del Continuo es que dado un transfinito ℵn , el siguiente transfinito es el conjunto potencia de dicho transfinito ℵn+1 = P(ℵn). Desde la teoría intuitiva de conjuntos cantoriana se ha tratado conocer si en dicha teoría se sigue HC. Sin embargo Cantor no pudo (...)
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  35. ¿Es posible hacer afirmaciones epistémicamente objetivas respecto del arte? Un análisis de esta problemática en la filosofía de la sociedad de John Searle y la epistemología del desacuerdo.Felipe Alejandro Álvarez - 2020 - Littera Scripta Revista de Filosofía 1:25-36.
    En este trabajo se discute acerca de la posibilidad de llevar a cabo afirmaciones epistémicamente objetivas respecto del arte a partir de la filosofía de la sociedad de John Searle y de la epistemología del desacuerdo. Para ello se considerarán las distinciones ontológicamente objetivo/subjetivo y epistémicamente objetivo/subjetivo en relación con el arte como fenómeno relativo a la intencionalidad, señalándolo como ontológicamente subjetivo y epistémicamente objetivo. Luego se discutirá acerca del desacuerdo en torno a obras polémicas de arte y de la (...)
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  36. (2 other versions)Zur mathematischen Wissenschaftsphilosophie des Marburger Neukantianismus.Thomas Mormann - 2018 - In Christian Damböck (ed.), Philosophie und Wissenschaft bei Hermann Cohen. Springer. pp. 101 - 133.
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  37. (1 other version)Risk, Rationality and (Information) Resistance: De-rationalizing Elite-group Ignorance.Xin Hui Yong - 2023 - Erkenntnis:1-17.
    There has been a movement aiming to teach agents about their privilege by making the information about their privilege as costless as possible. However, some argue that in risk-sensitive frameworks, such as Lara Buchak’s (2013), it can be rational for privileged agents to shield themselves from learning about their privilege, even if the information is costless and relevant. This threatens the efficacy of these information-access efforts in alleviating the problem of elite-group ignorance. In response, I show that even within (...)
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  38. Nota: ¿CUÁL ES EL CARDINAL DEL CONJUNTO DE LOS NÚMEROS REALES?Franklin Galindo - manuscript
    ¿Qué ha pasado con el problema del cardinal del continuo después de Gödel (1938) y Cohen (1964)? Intentos de responder esta pregunta pueden encontrarse en los artículos de José Alfredo Amor (1946-2011), "El Problema del continuo después de Cohen (1964-2004)", de Carlos Di Prisco , "Are we closer to a solution of the continuum problem", y de Joan Bagaria, "Natural axioms of set and the continuum problem" , que se pueden encontrar en la biblioteca digital de mi blog (...)
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  39. Modelos interpretativos de corpus newtoniano: tradiciones historiográficas del siglo XX.Sergio Hernán Orozco Echeverri - 2007 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 35:227-256.
    This article tries to establish the scopes and limits of the main interpretations on Newton during the 20th century, highlighting on the one hand the textual evidence at disposal, and on the other hand the philosophical and epistemological currents that defines the main features of those interpretations. It will be shown that the rejection of positivism is not sufficient condition for establishing an adequate interpretation and, together with the strengthening of the research from Newton’s manuscript, it is necessary a wider, (...)
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  40. La explicación en ciencias sociales: argumento de la complejidad de los fenómenos y el materialismo histórico.Alfonso José Pizarro Ramírez - 2014 - Revista Colombiana de Filosofía de la Ciencia 14 (29):57-70.
    I will review the argument from complexity of the phenomena represented by Hayek (1967) that asserts that the human phenomena are, in some way, inherently complex, thus, that the laws in social sciences are not available in principle; and by Scriven (1956), who asserts a more elaborate version of the argument from complexity, given space for the possibility that the complexity is not intrinsic to the social phenomena, but that they are constitutive to the level of description that we are (...)
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  41. Psicologia, antropologia e antropologismo nella Germania de fine Ottocento-inizi Novecento.Faustino Fabbianelli - 2014 - Noctua 1 (2):283-311.
    The aim of my paper is to show how the two concepts of psychology and anthropology are linked in the philosophical reflection of some german authors between the end of 19th and the beginning of the 20th century: I discuss in particular the theories of W. Dilthey, W. Wundt, T. Lipps, W. Windelband and H. Cohen. I find a line of demarcation that divides their theoretical positions and concerns the role that psychology should play in relationship to the investigation (...)
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  42. ¿Automatizando la mejora moral? La inteligencia artificial para la ética.Jon Rueda - 2023 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 89:199-209.
    ¿Puede la inteligencia artificial (IA) hacernos más morales o ayudarnos a tomar decisiones más éticas? El libro Más (que) humanos. Biotecnología, inteligencia artificial y ética de la mejora, editado por Francisco Lara y Julian Savulescu (2021), puede inspirarnos filosóficamente sobre este debate contemporáneo. En esta nota crítica, contextualizo la aportación general del volumen y analizo los dos últimos capítulos de Monasterio-Astobiza y de Lara y Deckers, quienes argumentan a favor del uso de la IA para hacernos mejores agentes (...)
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  43. Uma Abordagem Sobre o Contextualismo Epistêmico.Tiegue Vieira Rodrigues - 2016 - O Que Nos Faz Pensar (nº38):161-182.
    Resumo O Contextualismo Epistêmico é conhecido por alegar oferecer a melhor resposta para alguns dos principais problemas epistemológicos, dentre eles o problema gerado pelos paradoxos céticos e, por conseguinte, por deter o conhecimento sobre muitas coisas que ordinariamente julgávamos já conhecidas. Da mesma forma, seria uma via capaz de manter a validade do princípio de fechamento dedutivo. O presente texto pretende analisar a teoria contextualista, conforme apresentada por Stewart Cohen, mostrando como o contextualismo resolve essas questões. Na primeira parte (...)
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  44. Capitalisme, propriété et solidarité.Marc-Kevin Daoust (ed.) - 2016 - Les Cahiers d'Ithaque.
    Le but de ce recueil est d’offrir des commentaires accessibles et introductifs aux textes classiques qu’ils accompagnent, en ouvrant des perspectives de discussion sur le thème du capitalisme. C’est en ce sens qu’Emmanuel Chaput lance le débat en commentant le texte de Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, « Qu’est-ce que la propriété ? ». Les textes de Karl Marx ne sont bien sûr pas laissés pour compte : Samuel-Élie Lesage s’engage fermement dans cette voie en discutant L’idéologie allemande de Karl Marx, Christiane Bailey (...)
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  45. Çağdaş Felsefede Yanlış Olan Ne?Kevin Mulligan, Peter M. Simons & Barry Smith - 2024 - Önkül 6 (10):110-119.
    Batı’da teorik felsefe; Analitik Felsefe (AF), Kıta Felsefesi (KF) ve Felsefe Tarihi (FT) olmak üzere üçe ayrılır. Fakat üçünde de işler yolunda değildir. AF, felsefenin bir bilim olabileceği iddiasından kuşku duyduğu için gerçek dünyayla ilgilenmiyorken başından beri uygun bir teorik yöntem izlemeyen Kıta Felsefesinin uygulanışı, belirli politik ve etik yargılara hizmet edecek şekilde özelleştirilmiştir. FT çalışmalarının gidişatı ise eldeki eserin nesnel değerinden daha çok ilgili filozofun ait olduğu ulus veya kültüre göre bölgesel bir temelde gelişmiştir. Felsefede ilerleme sağlanacaksa bu ancak (...)
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  46. Speculative Philosophy of Science vs. Logical Positivism: Preliminary Round.Joel Katzav - 2025 - In Sander Verhaegh (ed.), American Philosophy and the Intellectual Migration: Pragmatism, Logical Empiricism, Phenomenology, Critical Theory. Berlin: De Gruyter.
    I outline the theoretical framework of, and three research programs within American speculative philosophy of science during the period 1900-1931. One program applies verificationism to research in psychology, one investigates the methodology of research programs, and one analyses scientific explanation and other scientific concepts. The primary sources for my outline are works by Morris Raphael Cohen, Grace Andrus de Laguna, Theodore de Laguna, Edgar Arthur Singer Jr., Harold Robert Smart, and Marie Collins Swabey. I also use my outline to (...)
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  47. An Intimate Trespass of Peregrina Chorines: Dancing with María Lugones and Saidiya Hartman.Joshua M. Hall - 2022 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 28 (2):96-122.
    A recent (2020) special issue in Critical Philosophy of Race dedicated to Maria Lugones illustrates and thematizes the continuing challenge of (re)constructing coalitions among Latina and Black feminists and their allies. As one proposed solution to this challenge, in their guest editors’ introduction to that special issue, Emma Velez and Nancy Tuana suggest an interpretive “dancing with” Lugones. Drawing on my own “dancing-with” interpretive method (which significantly predates that special issue), in the present article I choreograph an interpretive duet (...)
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  48. Sağduyusal Etik Sezgiler Temelinde Liberteryenizm: Bir Savunma.Utku Ataş - 2023 - FLSF (Felsefe Ve Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi) 35:193-214.
    Turkish Bu makalede son yıllarda deontolojik ve sonuçsalcı liberteryen yaklaşımlara destek ve alternatif olarak ortaya çıkan, liberteryen temaların yaygın olarak paylaşılan moral yargılara dayandırılmasını öngören sağduyusal etik sezgiler temelli liberteryenizm, politik otorite şüpheciliği, özel mülkiyet ve serbest piyasa başlıkları üzerinden tanıtılarak desteklenmektedir. Çalışmanın ilk bölümü, birtakım moral gerçeklere sezgisel olarak ulaşmanın olanağını ifade eden sezgici etik zeminin açıklanmasına ayrılmıştır. Ardından, bireyler ve devletin aynı moral standartları işaret eden etik sezgilere tabi olduğu fikrinden yola çıkılarak, devletin zorlayıcı doğası ile karakterize olan (...)
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  49. Zarar İlkesi Üzerine: Üç Temel Eleştiriyi Tartışmak.Utku Ataş - 2024 - Kaygı. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Felsefe Dergisi 23 (1):68-93.
    Turkish Bu makalede bireylerin eylemlerine müdahale etmenin tek haklı gerekçesinin başkalarına zarar gelmesini önlemek olduğunu ifade eden ‘‘zarar ilkesine (Zİ)’’ getirilen üç eleştiriyi tartıştım. Öncelikle ilkeyi anlamlı kılabilecek bir zarar tarifinin bulunmadığı eleştirisini ele alarak bu eleştirinin, ilkenin ancak problemsiz bir zarar tanımı ile birlikte makul kabul edilebileceği varsayımına dayandığını tespit ettim. Zarar kavramına ilişkin var olan bilgi dağarcığımızı görmezden gelmesi ve zarara başvuran ilkeler haricindeki diğer birçok ilkeyi de kapsayan genel bir şüpheciliğin önünü açması nedeniyle ilgili varsayımı reddetmemiz gerektiğini (...)
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  50. Tanrı Var mı?Musa Yanık & W. David Beck - 2024 - Ankara: Fol Yayınları. Translated by Musa Yanık.
    Tarihte herhalde çok az soru Tanrı’nın varlığı sorusu kadar sık sorulmuş, çok yanıtlanmış ve verilen birbirinden farklı onca yanıta rağmen kesin bir sonuca ulaştırılamayıp tartışılmaya devam etmiştir. Yine de geçmişe dönüp baktığımızda bu soruya verilen farklı yanıtların farklı uygarlıkların inşa edilmesine, bazılarının yıkılmasına, acımasız çatışmalara ve her şeye rağmen kucaklaşmalara da vesile olduğunu görüyoruz. Tanrı var mı? Varsa onu nasıl bilebiliriz? Tanrı yoksa her şey mubah mı? İnsan aklı ilahi olanı kavrayabilir mi? Tanrı’nın varlığı ahlaklı olmanın şartı mı? Evren akıllı (...)
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